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Clash of the Classics

Client: AEG 2017

In every episode we see a battle between a famous internet-chef (influencers) and an amateur chef: in this episode we meet Kevin - 37 years old, plumper - vs Elise (ChicksLoveFood). Who makes the best burger?

Format title: Clash of the Classics
Number of episodes: 3
Platform: facebook and website (Holland/Belgium)  

PR for a new steam oven. Content designed to demonstrate that you can cook every meal with it.  

In every single-closed episode of Clash of the Classics we see a battle between a famous internet-chef (influencers) and an amateur chef. The question and the assignment is simple: who will make the best version of a classic dish? Will the popular chef serve the best lasagna or is it, say, the first aid doctor who will go home with the winning title? The audience decided who was the winner of the show.  

Call To Action

Everyone is a star cook with an AEG steam oven. Go to website (for the full recipes, etc.)...

Live w/ ChicksLoveFood

Besides Clash of the Classics, Bombilate also produced a live cooking show with the girls of ChicksLoveFood. Besides preparing two small dishes, the girls were there to answer live questions from viewers. The best and funniest questions were shown directly in the show. Half a million views - which meant a lot of questions!

✓Streaming live content works
✓Content is also relevant to watch watch on demand


>   Cast & Crew

  • Brands often organize or sponsor big events. Bombilate produces video content on these events, so people who don’t visit it will still enjoy the effort and investment.  Let's just say it is a bit more interesting than a standard 'after movie'. :)
  • Bombilate developed and produced multiple online series/campaigns for AEG. Besides Clash of the Classics also: Hot & Steamy (short fun content with more than 1.6 million views) and Live with ChicksLoveFood (live cooking show on facebook with a lot of interaction with viewers.)

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