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VVD election campaigns

Client: VVD 2021 and 2023

3 x national online-, radio- and tv-campaigns: > 2021, Tweede Kamerverkiezingen > 2023, Provinciale Statenverkiezingen + Tweede Kamerverkiezingen

Bombilate Media x VVD: 3 x national election campaigns

---- 2021, Tweede Kamer Verkiezingscampagne:

This year every political party ran campaigns in the run-up to the elections to the House of Representatives (March 17). Typically these included party leaders using interviews, videos and radio commercials to explain why they deserved your vote. But the VVD saw another way: Why not ask people in the street why they would vote for incumbent prime minister, Mark Rutte?

Why Bombilate? Because over eight years Bombilate has demonstrated proven success creating truthful, engaging campaigns that use only real people. No actors, no scripts, nothing fake: Real people plus real emotions equals real engagement.

TV ads, radio ads + online campaign (2021)

  • 7 x unique TV ads - 25 seconds each - broadcasted on all the national tv channels in Holland in March 2021
  • 6 x unique radio ads broadcasted on all national radio stations + 1 tag-on
  • 1 x 3-minute compilation edit for the 'Zendtijd Politieke Partijen', (NPO - ZPP)
  • Long- and short form versions/content distributed online via VVD channels and paid online media


>   Cast & Crew

YES! We got Lucky'd! 😂
LuckyTV (@ Eva Jinek) made a super funny parody on our campaign.

Other cases:


Sportlife (Cloetta) 2023


ANWB 2022

Dit Is Vakwerk...

Bouwmaat Nederland 2022

Verbinding Verbroken

Danerolles 2022

Love To Meet You

Lexa 2021

Baby On The Way

VELUX 2021

72u. Ondergronds

ASP Adventure 2020

Greetz TV ads

Greetz 2019/2020/2021


Deliveroo 2018

Classical Speed Dates

Warner Music 2019

Special Delivery

Greetz 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

Food Fight

Deliveroo 2018

Time for Toast

Beemster (CONO) 2019

Clash of the Classics

AEG 2017

Blue Glitter Shoes

Alzheimer Nederland 2018

Digital Detox

Koninklijke Jumbo 2017
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