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Verbinding Verbroken

Client: Danerolles 2022

FULL ATL BRANDING CAMPAIGN. With their new campaign “Lost Connections” Danerolles brings people who have lost touch back together around the kitchen table.

“Danerolles and connecting,” says Piet Decuypere, CEO of Danerolles, 'have been synonymous since 1974.  With our products we have been bringing millions of consumers together for years, around the table, often on Sunday mornings, but also at other times of the day. It therefore felt very natural for me, in this still special time in which we live, to do something about connections that have unfortunately been diluted or lost.'

In each episode of "Verbinding Verbroken" somebody bakes a tasty Danerolles product (like fresh croissants, crispy Cinnamon Swirls or Petit Pains au Chocolat) in their home for somebody they haven’t seen seen in a long time. Life is complicated and there are multiple reasons for these Lost Connections: moving house, leaving school and sometimes just because of a lack of time. Often we don’t realise how important a friendship can be until we get a chance to renew it and where better to start again than around the kitchen table with delicious bites and happy memories. 

TV ads + colab with Koffietijd + digital campaign

  • 5 x unique TV ads - in 2 lengths: 60 and 25 seconds each - broadcast on the national tv channels in Holland in January/February 2022.
  • 5 x tag-ons with activation: 'Buy Danerolles now and have a chance to win a weekend away."
  • 4 x unique full-length episodes aired on "Koffietijd" on RTL 4 and online at Linda.nl.
  • 1 x 3-minute compilation edit for digital use.
  • Long- and short form versions/content distributed online via owned and paid channels.


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Piet Decuypere, CEO of Danerolles
Stacey's enthusiastic audacity was immediately appreciated. It was her positive energy along with some Danerolles childhood memories she brought back that convinced us to let Bombilate develop our general branding campaign, "Verbinding Verbroken".

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